Thursday, January 25, 2007

10 years later

Somehow, I remember 1997 like yesterday. The cliché "time flies" truly is a cliché.

What is noteworthy and hopefully useful to people of all ages is that over those 10 years I have truly come to appreciate the power of compounding.

Take a look at the prices of the following comapnies in my portfolio on January 26th 1997:
Stock 19972007 % annual return
JNJ $24.62 $66.68 17.08%
AIG $27.62 $68.89 14.94%
NVS $25.88 $58.26 12.56%
BRK.B $1155 $3585.91 21.05%

It is interesting to note that, the stock that I least followed during that period was BRKB (Berkshire Hathway B) and it delivered the best return. My (Heartburn/Profit)% was pretty low with Mr. Buffett's company.
There is something to be said about patient and disciplined investing. You don't have to be a genius, what matters is the ability to maintain temperament, follow good companies, and pick them up when they are not in vogue.
Sounds easy right! However, I have found that to stick with that idea for 10 years is the hardest part.

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